Enabling Spaces CIC
Hoarding Therapy Service
Not For Profit
Mental Health Organisation
Enabling Spaces CIC
Hoarding Therapy Service
Not For Profit
Mental Health Organisation
Enabling Spaces CIC is the only Occupational Therapy led service in the UK, specialising in hoarding disorder, self-neglect, and domestic squalor, to be funded by health NHS and local authorities.
Hoarding Awareness Workshop Now
on Microsoft Teams
We have now moved our workshop onto Microsoft Teams!!!
This is open to everyone...
Please book your place below
This interactive workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of hoarding, its impact and the approaches to take.
Venue: Online Via Teams
Cost: Was £80.00 NOW £50.00 per person
Course Time : 9.00am-12.30pm
Registration from: 9.00am
When you have signed up, registration documentation etc, will be sent to you.
Hoarding Awareness Online Workshop
Date:Thursday 19th November 2020
Using 360° images, allows you to step inside and experience this very complex condition...
In recent years media interest in hoarding and animal hoarding has exploded, newspaper articles and television programs have sensationalised these mental health conditions and have exploited vulnerable people, therefore, hindering the recognition that this is a serious mental health disorder. However hoarding disorder is now a recognise mental health disorder in its own right, and requires professional intervention with the correct response.
Enabling Spaces CIC are the organisation best suited to deliver this training. ES CIC are leaders in the field of hoarding disorder, they have a proven track record, practical hands on experience. Enabling Spaces CIC are the only Occupational Therapy Service, that specialise in hoarding disorder, and we are the only OT service to be funded by a local authority to provide this specialist support
Our course will leave you with a better understanding of:
Hoarding Disorder and the impact that it has on the individual, their families, organisations and the wider communities.
The definition of hoarding
How to identify hoarding
The different types of hoarding and saving patterns
Hoarding relating to Mental Capacity Act (2005), Human Rights Act (1998), Equality Act (2010) and Care Act (2014)
Self- neglect and hoarding
NEW* Virtual Case Studies
NEW* 360° Immersion in this complex condition
and more....
Hoarding Awareness for anyone
This workshops can be tailored to meet your requirement of your organisation, please use the contact form below to discuss these.
These informative and interactive session are suitable for professionals, family members who come into contact with this client group, and anyone who wants to develop their understanding of this debilitating disorder.
Book your place TODAY!
Book Your Place on our course below...
Enabling Spaces CIC
Community Interest Company
Limited by Guarantee
​Company Number: 10641971
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