Enabling Spaces CIC
Hoarding Therapy Service
Not For Profit
Mental Health Organisation
Enabling Spaces CIC
Hoarding Therapy Service
Not For Profit
Mental Health Organisation
Enabling Spaces CIC is the only Occupational Therapy led service in the UK, specialising in hoarding disorder, self-neglect, and domestic squalor, to be funded by health NHS and local authorities.
Enabling Spaces CIC, also work outside the
City of Coventry, working across the UK.
Non-Coventry Hoarding Therapy Service
Enabling Spaces CIC, accepts referrals outside the Coventry area, however, there will be cost for the service as there is no contractual agreement with other Local Authorities and Health.
Who funds?
The client or Local Authorities, housing, etc, will have to fund where appropriate.
The Process
Enabling Spaces CIC offers tailor-made plans, interventions and goals that are client centred and focuses on the needs and desires of individuals affected by hoarding with domestic squalor and self-neglect.
Through in-depth, holistic occupational therapy-based assessments, priorities can be identified and acted upon quickly and efficiently with the needs of the client at the forefront.
As an occupational therapy led service, we can analyse the occupational performance of the individual within their environment identify and address any occupational imbalance.
For more information regarding the referral process and bespoke costs please contact us.
Who can refer?
We accept referrals from:
Individual private clients
Family member
Environmental Health,
Local Authorities,
Health (NHS trust)
Fire Service
Adult Social Care
Social housing associations and more.
Please choose from the appropriate links below to find out how Enabling Spaces can meet your specific needs
Private Individuals
Enabling Spaces will work with private clients, family members, and carers.
We understand the effect of hoarding on the individual.... their health and well-being is at risk, home environment not safe, risk of eviction, fire and more...
There is also a detrimental effect on the people living with or near a person who hoards; ill health, emotional and financial stress.
Whether you are looking for support for yourself or a family member, we
provide holistic assessments, interventions, and practical support. We use sound clinical reasoning, and client centred approach is at the heart of our interventions.
Click here to contact our friendly team to discuss your specific needs and costs or request a call back
Local Authority
We know from experience that social workers, occupational therapists and other front-line workers, have encountered people that hoard or self- neglect. Engaging with such clients, can be very complex and a frustrating process.
Through in-depth, holistic occupational therapy-based assessments, priorities can be identified and acted upon quickly and efficiently with the needs of the client at the forefront.
Click here to contact our friendly team to discuss your specific needs and costs or request a call back.
NHS Trusts
At Enabling Spaces, we understand the pressure of delayed discharge. Patients are medically fit to leave hospital but are stuck in beds due to problems with their home environment. They are unable to return, due to the sheer amount of clutter or squalor.
The knock on affect of this is that A&E departments struggle to find beds for incoming patients.
Through in-depth, holistic occupational therapy based assessments, priorities can be identified and acted upon quickly and efficiently with the needs of the patient at the forefront.
Click here to contact our friendly team to discuss your specific needs and costs or request a call back
Housing Associations
Managers, housing support staff, and frontline workers have identified hoarding as a growing problem.
The impact of hoarding on their properties is serious and very costly; management challenges, health & safety risks, mounting legal cost due to evictions and safeguarding issues. and not forgetting the risks to the homeowner.
Through in-depth, holistic occupational therapy-based assessments, priorities can be identified and acted upon quickly and efficiently with the needs of the client at the forefront to tackle the problem.
Click here to contact our friendly team to discuss your specific needs and costs or request a call back
Fire Services:
Enabling Spaces CIC to recognise that people like to collect possessions and hoard, however this poses a significant fire risk to all in the property and those within the vicinity of the property.
It is all a huge risk to fire fighters entering a property that is hoarded and unsafe.
Enabling Spaces CIC has developed an amazing working partnership with WMFS in collaborating with complex cases for a positive outcome all round.
Enabling Spaces CIC
Community Interest Company
Limited by Guarantee
​Company Number: 10641971
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